Sublime 3 build system for Django
I’m a longtime user of Sublime Text. If you’ve never tried it I really advise you to give it a look, it’s really worth it. The beta version of Sublime 3 has been out for a few weeks now and I’m using it in parallel with the stable version 2 to test the new features. While those new features are interesting by themselves trying a new version is also the moment where I dig in the documentation to understand the features I have not used yet in the previous versions. And one of those features is the build systems.
In Sublime I mostly code in Python so I’ve never been attracted to this build concept … how wrong I’ve been ! You can type a script in a file in Sublime and just by hitting Ctrl+B have your script run in a python interpreter and the result displayed inside your editor. What a time saver.
No more going back and forth between Sublime and that pesky windows command prompt (yes, I use windows at work …) to test my code.
But there was still a problem : I do a lot of django coding and the default python build system does know how to import my django models. After a few more digging in the docs I came up with the following solution :
"working_dir": "c:/path/to/your/django/project",
"path": "c:/path/to/your/python/binary;c:/path/to/site-packages",
"env": {
"DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE": "your.settings.module",
"cmd": ["python", "", "shell", "<", "$file"],
"file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.python",
"shell": true
Et voilà !